Listening to your parents talk

The image features a meme that plays on the theme of generational advice and the humorous reality of how such advice might contrast with the actual behaviors of those who offer it. At the top, the meme text reads, “When you parents tell you not to have sex before marriage but you’re standing in their wedding picture 🧒🤢,” which is a tongue-in-cheek way to point out the irony or hypocrisy if one interprets the child’s presence in the wedding photo as evidence that the parents themselves did not wait until marriage.

Below this text, there’s a picture of a young man with a short haircut, looking to the side with a somewhat surprised and knowing expression as if reacting to the statement above. He is drinking from a cup, and his action resembles the popular “sipping tea” meme, which is often used to signify someone minding their own business while observing a dramatic or controversial situation. The image uses this visual trope to add a layer of irony and humor to the text above, suggesting the man is nonchalantly acknowledging the humorous discrepancy between the parents’ words and actions without directly involving himself in the critique.

The overall tone of the meme is lighthearted and comedic, aiming to evoke a chuckle or knowing smile from the viewer who might relate to the experience of receiving advice from elders that doesn’t quite line up with the elders’ own actions. It’s a playful nod to the fact that parents, like all people, have pasts that might not perfectly align with the values they later endorse.